Thursday, November 17, 2011

Islamic Rituals

Outline how children are welcomed into the Muslim faith?
When a child is born into the Muslim faith a birth ceremony is held. The call to prayer (adhaan; ‘God is great, here is no God but Allah. Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. Come to prayer.’) is whispered into the baby’s ear by the father as it is thought that is the first thing a baby should hear. They believe the baby’s first taste should be sweet, so often the baby’s parents will chew dates and rub the juice over the baby’s gums. This was performed by Muhammad. The baby’s head is shaved after 7 days to show that the newborn is a servant of Allah. They then weigh the hair and give the equivalent amount in silver to charity. On the 7th day some boys may be circumcised.   

What is the Aqeeqah?
The Aqeeqah is a celebration carried out on the 7th day after a baby is born. Sheep are slaughtered and sacrificed, and given to relatives, neighbours and the poor. In Britain the meat is simply bought from the butchers.
Outline the basic elements of an Islamic wedding ceremony?
An Islamic marriage, called a nikah, is a contract between a bride and groom that both agree to. A Mahr (marriage gift) is given to the bride by the groom as mentioned in the Qur’an. There must be two adult witnesses. A legal guardian must represent the bride. The Aqd-Nikah (written marriage contract) must be signed by the bride and the groom. There must also be a Qadi (Muslim judge) and Khutba-tun-Nikah.   

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Qur'an Questions

1.      What does the word Quran translate to in English? Recitation  
2.      What is the purpose of the message sent to Mohammad why was it sent again?
To remind people of the message of God and to show God’s guidance for humankind. It is thought to be the completed message that began with Judaism and Christianity. 
3.      How is the message sent to Mohammad different to the messages already sent to the Christians and the Jews?
The message was sent in Arabic, a language they could understand.  
4.      Is the message in the Quran the same message as in the Bible?
5.      Name two other prophets mentioned in the Quran.
Abraham and Jesus.
6.      How was the message passed on to others in the beginning?
By word of mouth (aurally/orally), as it was not written down.
7.      Why was the original message not written down by Mohammad?
Muhammad was illiterate.  
8.      What language is used for the Quran?
9.      Which city did Islam originate?
10.  What does ‘Muslim’ mean?
Muslim means ‘those who submit to God.’
11.  How does the Quran differ from the Bible in the story of the death of Jesus?
The Qur’an says that Jesus was not crucified, but was lifted up to Heaven by God.
12.  What does the Quran say about warfare?
Violence is not promoted, but it tells Muslims that they have the right to fight any non-believers. If they are threatened they are able to defend themselves. If they capture someone they must be merciful to them.  
13.      What are Suras?
Suras are the chapters of the Qur’an- there are 114 chapters, each one shorter than the one before it. All the chapters except one begin with the same verse.

Symbols of Islam

The Star and Crescent Moon
They are the accepted symbols of Islam since the eighteenth century; they appear on several flags of Islamic Nations. Even before the time of Muhammad they were found on the Ka’ba and it is said that Muhammad allowed these symbols to remain intact when he ordered the removal of the idols in the Ka’ba.

No symbols of Allah
Islam has always insisted that there should be no idols and no images of Allah. An Islamic mosque is devoid of all statues and all paintings- this is in contrast to Christian churches. Islamic artists have compensated for this restricted by developing beautiful work and calligraphy.
Bismillah (in the name of Allah)
One of the most prominent symbolic designs is the motif with the words Bismillah (in the name of Allah). All the Suras of the Qur’an except one begin with the words ‘In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate...’ so the first word of these Suras has been taken and variously depicted in extremely ornate styles.

Monday, October 24, 2011

The Five Pillars of Islam

Pillar #1: Shahadah

  • What is the meaning of the declaration of faith? 
The declaration of faith is when someone acclaims their faith in the Islamic religion- in the one God, Allah, and submits themselves to him.

  • Why do you think that this statement is a significant part of being a Muslim?
It signifies that someone is strong in their faith, believes in Allah and is willing to follow him. It shows that they have made a choice in their own religion.

Video –

Pillar #2: Salat

  • Describe the process that Muslims go through to prepare to pray.
Before prayer, Muslims must cleanse themselves by washing- first their face, then wet their hair with their right hand, then wash their hands and arms up to the elbows and then their feet. A rug must be laid out if prayer is at home, and shoes must be taken off. At the Mosque, the Muezzin sings the call to prayer.

  • Describe the process of praying in Islam. How many times each day, and when, do Muslims pray?
Muslims pray 5 times a day- at dawn, before sunrise, at noon time, before sunset and at the beginning of the night.

  • What do the prayers sound like?  What do the movements look like? 
Muslims pray in Arabic, as a song. They hold their hands up, palms facing forward, to symbolise leaving everything behind and submitting themselves to Allah. They get down upon their knees and bow before their God. In putting their heads down to their feet, they show that they know nothing, they have no knowledge in comparison to Allah. 

  • In which direction do Muslims pray? Why do they face this way?
When praying, Muslims face Mecca, Saudi Arabia. They face this way because in Mecca is the Ka’ba, which was built by Abraham and Ishmael.

  • What are some of the things Muslims say during prayer? 
Muslims pray lines from the Qur’an, often ones that they have learned when they were younger.

  • Why do Muslims pray?
To show their submission and devotion to Allah.

Video –

Pillar #3: Zakat (concern for the needy)

  • What is Zakat?  What is emphasized in Zakat?
Zakat is concern for the needy. Muslims believe they should be willing to give because of what Allah has given to them, and in giving they are praising their God. It assures people don’t cling to their money because they won’t have it forever and it helps people to let go of greed and love of money. It is mentioned in the Qur’an, and it is said that the more you give, the more you will receive.

  • Why do Muslims make donations?  How much money is a person expected to give to charitable causes? 
As a sign of giving because God gave to them. It is not only obedience to God, but it is acknowledging that everything comes from Allah. Muslims are expected to give 2.5% of their wealth every year.

  • What is the relationship between prayer and money?
The act of giving is a form of worshipping God, which is what prayer is.

  • How is Zakat different from ordinary charity that Muslims might give?
Zakat is giving in the name of God and for God.

Video -

Pillar #4: Sawan/Ramadan

  • As part of the Muslim religion, what does it mean to fast? 
Fasting is refraining from any food or drink, smoking or sexual activity during the month of Ramadan.

  • Why do Muslims fast? 
Muslims fast to appreciate God’s gifts, feel how the poor must suffer, to purify themselves and to worship God. It helps them to realize the value of charity and generosity, as well as coming together with other Muslims.

  • What and when is Ramadan?   What is Eid al-Fitr? 
Ramadan is the 9th month of the Islamic calendar, when Muslims must fast. The month ends with Eid al-Fitr, a festival when all Muslims dress up and visit the Mosque to pray. They also visit family and friends to celebrate.

Videos – Islam_vid_hajj (part 1 & 3)

Pillar #5: The Hajj

  • How often must Muslims participate in Hajj? 
Once in their lifetime.

  • Where do Muslims go during Hajj? 
Muslims go to the Ka’ba in Mecca, Saudi Arabia.

  • What and where is the Ka’ba?  Describe this place. 
The Ka’ba is in Mecca, and is a place of worship that was built by Abraham and Ishmael over four thousand years ago. They built it out of stone as a command from God, and people flock there as part of the Hajj and worship Allah.

  • How many Muslims participate in Hajj?
Around 1 million Muslims participate in Hajj.

  • What is the goal of Hajj? 
To promote Islamic brotherhood and sisterhood by bringing everyone together. It shows that before God everyone is equal. It also allows Muslims to feel the importance of their life.

  • What does it mean to enter spiritual purity? What is the purpose of the special garments?
To be clean before God, free and forgiven of sin. They wear white clothes to symbolise their purity. They all wear the same thing to symbolise their purity.

  • How does Mubarak describe his experiences as a pilgrim?
Everyone was very focused, and wouldn’t bother anyone else. Everything was about Allah.

  • What is the significance of Abraham to pilgrims?
Abraham made the first pilgrimage, from Ur to Canaan (Israel).  

Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Five Pillars of Islam

There are 5 major beliefs or obligations for each Muslim, they are as follows;
v  Shahadah- Belief; faith in one God, Allah, and his messenger Mohammed

v  Salat- Worship; prayer 5 times a day

v  Zakat- Almsgiving; giving to the needy and charity

v  Sawan/Ramadan- Fasting; abstaining from food and drink during Ramadan

v  Hajj- Pilgrimage; going to Mecca at least once in their lifetime

The Auburn Gallipoli Mosque

Where was it? The Mosque that we visited was located in Auburn.
What did you do and see at the Mosque? When we arrived at the Mosque, we had to first take off our shoes before entering the main hall. This was to make sure we did not contaminate the Mosque, and keep it clean. Once inside, we sat on the floor and were presented a talk by a Muslim woman who worked at and attended the Mosque. She was able to outline the Islam religion and explain the practices of the common Muslim. The main hall, in which worship and prayer takes place, was intricately decorated, with many Arabic references and lots of colourful patterns upon the walls and in the dome-shaped roof. Once the talk was finished, men started to enter the main hall to begin their noon time prayer. This was established by the Muezzin, who sung the call to prayer.
What did you learn? Identify major items/ facts.
During the talk, we learnt about many aspects of the Mosque as well as what the religion of Islam involves. We learnt that Muslims must pray 5 times a day, towards Mecca, the direction of which was shown by the qibla wall at the front of the Mosque. The woman also explained to us the role of the minbar, which was a staircase towards the front of the Mosque that the Imam preached from every Friday and on two other festival days during the year. We also learnt about the 5 pillars of Islam- faith in one God, a pilgrimage to Mecca once in their life, prayer 5 times a day, giving to the poor, and fasting during Ramadan.
What have you gained from the experience?
Our visit to the Mosque greatly enriched our knowledge of the Islamic religion and allowed us to be more accepting of different religions.  

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Facts about Islam

What does Islam mean?
Islam is the religion that Muslim’s follow, meaning- in Arabic- submission. It comes from the word peace, and means complete submission to the will of God.
What were the origins of Islam?
Islam originated from Abraham, a patriarch and prophet, from who descended Muhammad, Ishmael, Moses and Jesus, prophets of Islam. It began in the 6th century. Abraham established the city of Makkah, and built the Ka’ba.
How does someone become a Muslim?
One becomes a Muslim if they believe in the Islamic religion, and make a declaration saying ‘there is no god apart from God, and Muhammad is the Messenger of God.’ All one needs to do is to proclaim their new faith.
What is the Ka’ba?
The Ka’ba is a place of worship built by Abraham and Ishmael over four thousand years ago. They built it because God commanded them to, and it is made of stone. Abraham was commanded by God to call all people to the place, and upon visiting it pilgrims say ‘At Thy service, O Lord.’ When Muslims pray, they turn towards the Ka’ba.

How do Muslims practice their religion?
Muslims pray 5 times a day towards Makkah, and must uphold the 5 pillars of Islam: faith, prayer, concern for the needy, self- purification and pilgrimage.
What were the highlights of Mohammed’s life?
Mohammed, the great prophet of Islam, was born in the year 570. Mohammed received a revelation from the Angel Gabriel at the age of 40. Together with his followers he helped to establish the religion of Islam and suffered persecution.
What is the Qur’an?
The Qur’an is the Islam holy book. It is the exact words of God that were revealed to the prophet Muhammad through the Angel Gabriel. Muhammad memorised it and it was then dictated and scribed.