Sunday, September 4, 2011

The Life of Jesus

One miracle: The Calming of the Storm
One day Jesus and his disciples were in a boat, crossing a lake, and Jesus was sleeping on that boat. A storm whipped up around the boat and the disciples were scared. They woke up Jesus because they thought something would happen or their boat would tip over. Jesus then commanded the wind and the waves to be still, and all was calm again.
One of his disciples, Judas, betrayed Jesus, who was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane. Many people didn’t like him, and he was put to trial. He was beaten and whipped. Pontius Pilate didn’t want to hand over Jesus, but the crowd was against him. Jesus was made to carry the cross upon his shoulders, while soldiers mocked him and placed a crown of thorns on his head. He was nailed to the cross, with two other prisoners, and was left to die. This is important because by dying on the cross Jesus took all the sins of the world upon him so everyone can be forgiven. He took the punishment of everyone’s sin so people do not have to suffer, and he created a way for people to have a relationship with God the Father.
3 days after he was crucified, Mary, Mary Magdalene and some other women went to visit his tomb to anoint his body with spices. When they got there, they saw that the stone usually placed across the entrance of the tomb was rolled away. They went inside, and an angel told them that Jesus has risen. He ascended into heaven to be with the Father and sits at his right side.
Jesus’ parents:
Jesus’ mother was named Mary. She was a virgin, but Jesus was conceived inside her by the Holy Spirit. An angel came to tell Joseph this, Jesus’ earthly father, who was a carpenter. Jesus is known as the Son of God.  

The New Testament: The Gospels

The gospels:
·         Matthew
o   A Jewish tax collector
o   Written between 50 and 70 AD
o   About Jesus being the Messiah
o   28 chapters
·         Mark
o   One of the 12 disciples
o   Written between 50 and 60 AD
o   About Jesus performing miracles
o   16 chapters
·         Luke
o   A well educated doctor
o   Written between 59 and 70 AD
o   Detailed events about Jesus’ life
o   Jesus has the authority
o   24 chapters
·         John
o   One of the 12 disciples
o   Written between 50 and 85 AD
o   Spiritual rather than historical
o   About Jesus, the son of God
o   21 chapters