Sunday, July 24, 2011

Questions on Judaism

1.   What language do the Jewish people speak?
2.  How do the Jewish people read Hebrew?
Hebrew is written and read backwards (from right to left).  
3.  Why is Israel important to the Jewish People?
Israel is important to the Jewish people because in His covenant to Abraham, God said to go to Israel, and there would be the ‘promised land’.
4.  When was the present state of Israel formed?
On the 14th of May, 1948.
5.  What makes it unique in the world?
It is the only Jewish state.  
6.  Who is the chosen prophet of Judaism?
 Jews believe Moses was the greatest prophet. Abraham was the first prophet.
7.  What do the Jews believe God thinks of their people?
The Jews believe that God sees all human as his children, but he will reward those who have done good and punish the wicked.
8.  How do the three main religions differ in their view of Jesus?
Christians believe that Jesus was the Messiah, and that he will come again. Jews believe that Jesus was a prophet, but he is not part of their religion and was not the Messiah. Islam also follows the belief that Jesus was not the Messiah, but simply a prophet.
9.  Why do the Jewish people not celebrate Christmas?
Jewish people do not celebrate Christmas because they do not believe that Jesus was the Messiah, and Christmas is the celebration of Jesus’ birth.
10.            What festival do they celebrate instead?
Jewish people celebrate Hanukkah, not Christmas. Hanukkah is the Jewish Festival of Lights.
11.  What event is celebrated at this festival and what is the significance of the number 8?
The number 8 is significant as the festival lasts for eight nights, and on each of these nights, one candle of the 8 in the candelabra is lit.
12.            What is the name of the sacred text of the Jewish people?
The Torah.
13.            How is their text similar to the Christian Bible?
The Torah is the same as the first 5 books of the Old Testament in the Christian Bible.
14.            How many commandments do the Jewish people have to follow?
The Jewish people have 613 Commandments that were summed up into 10 by Moses.
15.            What is the name of the leader of a Jewish religion?
A rabbi is a teacher of the Jewish law.
16.            What is a Tallit?
A tallit, otherwise known as a prayer shawl, is a shawl worn to morning services that has fringes which remind the person of the Commandments.
17.            What is a Tefillin?
A tefillin is a leather pouch that holds scrolls of scripture.
18.            What is a Kippah?
A Kippah is a skull cap worn by Jewish men during prayer to show their devotion and faith.
19.            What is the word used to describe the food Jewish people can eat?
20.          Where is the only Kosher McDonalds?
Buenos Aires, Argentina.
21.            Why is a Cheese burger not Kosher?
A cheese burger is not kosher because it contains meat and dairy.

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